Making Changes

In most cases, you can make all permitted changes to your ticket yourself. It's quick and easy to do ...

Before you can make any changes to your ticket, you need to access the "Manage My Ticket" page. This page establishes your as the owner of the ticket, allowing you to make changes (and preventing unauthorised access).
Once you have control over the ticket, you can make use of whatever change functions are available for that ticket at that time.

access via


The easiest way to access your ticket for changes is via your my.runningevents dashboard. Click on the "Athlete Login" button at the top of any of our web pages to access your dashboard. If you are unfamiliar with this process, you can find out more here.

Once you are logged in to your my.runningevents dashboard, click on "My Tickets" in the sidebar navigation. The next screen will list all of your tickets for events in the future (you can also find any of your past tickets by clicking the red button - but you cannot make changes to these tickets). If you don't see any tickets here, you either don't have any or they are not currently attached to your account. All tickets created with your email address are automatically added to your account so you may need to Contact Us if yours is missing.

Click the icon next to the ticket you want to change and this will take you into the Manage My Ticket page.

access via


If you don't have a my.runningevents dashboard account - and you don't want to create one - you can still make changes to your ticket by clicking the MAKE CHANGES button on the e-ticket. If you have access to the e-ticket, that tells our system that you are authorised to make these changes, avoiding the need to login to the dashboard.

So where can you find your e-ticket? Well, the most obvious place to get it is from the success page - that's the page you see after you complete your payment for any registration transaction. An e-ticket link appears on this page for each event ticket you purchased as part of that transaction. Its a good idea to download and save the e-tickets at that time or - even better - bookmark the success page so you can return to it later.

If you didn't save your e-ticket at that time, the other place to find it is on the confirmation email you were sent at that same time - right after completing your online payment. Once again, a link will appear on this confirmation email for every ticket contained in that transaction. If you're having trouble finding the receipt, look for emails where the sender is "" or the subject line contains "transaction confirmation".

If you cannot locate your e-ticket, you'll probably need to Contact Us for help.

Once you have the e-ticket, the MAKE CHANGES button is in the top right corner. Click on that and you will arrive at the Manage My Ticket page.

Change Functions

Now that you have access to your ticket, these are the changes you can make ...

Once you are in the "Manage My Ticket" page, the red "Make Changes" button in the top, right corner has a drop-down list of all the change functions available to you.

Note that only those change functions that are currently available will be listed. If the change function you want is not listed then this type of change is not available for this ticket at this time.



Use this function to add MERCHANDISE (t-shirts, hoodies, caps), TRANSPORT TICKETS (bus tickets) or revTABs (personalised engravings for the back of your medal) to your ticket.

"Make Changes" > "Add Items to Ticket"

Selecting the "Add Items to Ticket" option will take you to a page showing all of the products currently available. You can make your selections as normal and proceed to the payment page to complete your checkout. The items will be attached to your ticket and - for merchandise - these will be packed and available for you to collect at the venue.
Important! Products available may change as items are sold out. Also, as we get closer to the event, some items may be withdrawn from sale to ensure our fulfilment team can make them ready for collection on race weekend. Some of these items may still be for sale at the venue.



Use this function to record a change in your home address.

"Make Changes" > "Update Address"

You can record a change to your home address here. This is especially important for revTab purchases as these will be sent to the address recorded against your ticket approximately 2-3 weeks after completing the event.


emergency contact

Use this function to record a change in your Emergency Contact details.

"Make Changes" > "Update Emeprgency Contact"

It is vitally important we have a correct and accurate Emergency Contact recorded against your ticket. If there is a medical emergency on course, we will attempt to contact this person to inform them. In a serious situation, you may not be able to give this information to first responders yourself, so it's important we can assist.



Use this function to join a Team or change Teams.

"Make Changes" > "Update Team Selection"

You can join or switch teams by selecting your desired team from the popup. Enter a few letters from the team name (it's usually best to only input 3 or 4 characters to ensure you get a match) to search for teams and then select the team you want to join from the list. If you can't find the team listed, check with the person who created it to be sure you are using the correct team name.
Important! You may be prompted for a password if the team you are trying to join has been setup by the team manager with a password required to join. Ask your team manager for help with this.



Use this function to change from one race distance to another or - in some very limited cases - to transfer your ticket to another event. This function is most often used because, due to injury or training not going quite like you'd hoped, you need to move to a shorter distance race such as going from the half marathon to the 10k.

IMPORTANT! Changing into or out of the Competitive Walk is not a race transfer. See instructions further down this page ....

"Make Changes" > "Race-to-Race Transfer"

When you select this option, a popup window appears with a list of possible transfer options. In most cases, these will be either to "Upgrade/Downgrade Distance" or "Transfer to Virtual" (only in times of extreme disruption - such as during the Covid pandemic - options to transfer to another event may also be listed).

Once you have selected the type of transfer, the next screen will list all of the race options you can transfer to. This might include race distances greater than your current race (e.g. allowing you to transfer from 10k to half marathon) as well as race distances less than your current race (e.g. transfer from 10k to 5k). Note that only races valid for your date of birth are shown, so adults will not see an option to transfer to the 2k and juniors may not see an option to transfer to the half marathon.
Important! If the race you are transferring to has a greater entry fee than the race you are currently entered for, you will be prompted to pay the difference. If you are transferring to a race with a lesser entry fee, the fee difference is forfeit.

After you select the desired race, a confirmation screen will appear to show your selections, plus any fee that may be applicable. After completing the transfer (including making any payment required), your updated ticket details will be shown. It's a good idea now to download and check your e-ticket and keep that for your records.



Use this function to transfer your ticket to another person.

"Make Changes" > "Person-to-Person Transfer"

Make sure you have the personal details of the person you are transferring the ticket to on hand before beginning. Once you select the option, the next page will ask for the new person's details, including their name, gender, date of birth and email/mobile contact details. It is especially important that you have the correct date of birth as we may use this for age categorisation and as part of an informal identity check. You will also be asked to accept the event waiver on their behalf (we cannot accept any registrations for any of our events without a formal acceptance of the event waiver).

In most cases, no fee is charged for this service. However, you should be aware that race numbers are printed some time in advance of the event and these may already have your name printed on them. We do not re-print race numbers for Person-to-Person Transfers. 

Important! You will be asked if you want to release ownership of the ticket. What this means is that the ticket will belong to the email address you specified for the new person. If you have a Running Events account, the ticket will no longer be available in there and you wont be able to make any further changes. Also, the "MAKE CHANGES" button on any previous copy of the e-ticket will no longer work. So keep that in mind when deciding what to do. If you definitely will not be involved with this ticket going forward, take the option to Transfer Ownership.



Updating your responses to entry form questions is the one change function that is not accessed from the red "Make Changes" button.

Instead, click on the "Questions" tab in the "Manage My Ticket" page to view the list of questions available for this ticket. If editing is available, a blue edit icon will appear next to the question. Click on that and the answer will appear in a popup editing box for you to change if you wish.

Important! Not all questions are available to update. The edit popup will not be available for.



Moving yourself into or out of the Comeptitive Walk - where this category is available - is done by updating the "Race Category" question.

Since this is not a race transfer, updating your category follows the same instructions as noted above for "UPDATE QUESTIONS".