
Running Events are committed to providing a warm and welcoming environment at our events for all of our participants, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation ...


diversity of


When you register for one of our events, you'll find "Gender Diverse" as an available option for the "Gender" question in the entry form.


Competition Rules
The rules for gender-based athletic competition are evolving and changing rapidly and these policies are being driven by local and international governing bodies. There are no right and wrong answers but at Running Events, we are taking a simple and pragmatic approach to gender based competition rules.

  • We will operate our competitions on the basis of two gender categories; Female and Male/Open.
  • Participants who select the "Gender Diverse" option will be placed into the Open/Male competition. This is because - at this time - our Female competition categories are reserved for competition amongst those identifying themselves as Female.
  • There will be no checks made, nor evidence required, to support the selection made by any participants. Running Events respects the right of all participants to select the Gender category they feel is most appropriate for them.
  • As with all of our competition rules, your acceptance of the entry waiver includes your agreement that - in all disputes - the decision of the Race Director shall be final.

we hear &

we listen

Diversity and inclusivity is an evolving topic.

Should you have any thoughts or concerns regarding our Diversity policies noted herein - or should you experience any issues in this area at any of our events, we want to hear your concerns and will treat those concerns with due regard.

To contact us, please use the Contact Form on the front page of our Help Centre.